No Time For Exercise? No Problem!

No Time For Exercise? No Problem!

Here at eFitClub our mantra is maximum results in minimal time.  Life is super busy right?  We know and we’ve got you covered!  Most Moms are “domestic engineers” juggling housekeeping, cooking, grocery shopping, laundry, car pools, kids activities-sports, dance class, helping with homework, volunteering, etc and the list goes on! AND on top of all that you have to sneak in exercise! So are you?  How about Dads and working women (very often moms too)?  You sit behind your computer most of the day or your job is more physically demanding, socially demanding, mentally demanding and it feels like there is no time left in the day to take care of your health and fitness level. When you get home, your kids want you to play soccer but all you want to do is search for the remote!  Your back hurts, you know you need to lose weight, gain more energy.  Maybe you feel sluggish and unmotivated. College singles and young professionals are just as busy.  It seems like for many of us life is always trying to push you to the limit - how much can you “stuff in the bag” to be successful? This sometimes equates to a great deal of stress. You have a lot of shoes to fill and roles to play each day.  Or perhaps you are retired and easing into a comfortable more relaxed lifestyle but know you should probably keep moving to prevent disease and stay fit.

It’s no secret that exercise is vitally important for our overall health and well-being and should be a priority for all of us.

Here’s how eFitClub’s signature programs can help:

CardioSprint 8 - high intensity interval training - 20 minutes

(based on your fitness level) - elliptical, bike or treadmill

StrengtheGym circuit - 9 stations - 16.5  minutes

(includes multiple programs, progressions)

Functional Training equipment also available - 20 minutes

Flexibility: Mind-Body/Stretching/Relaxation Classes - 30 minutes

(this might be just what you need to “unplug”)

Live Training - Small group personal training - 35 minutes

(MX4 HIIT, Boxing, TRX, Bootcamp)

Virtual Training - Fitness on Demand classes with virtual training - you choose modes, duration, time of day that works best for you.

No time for exercise?  No problem!  Let our eFitClub trainers design an individual program just right for you and your schedule and you will see maximum results in minimal time!   Plus we tie it all together with our state of the art technology.